Support us

Every day we see the real-life impact of our Foundation Scholarships. Not just on the pupils themselves, but on their families, their futures and on the community as a whole. Our community.

We want to do more, though.

We want to give more children the opportunity of a Cumnor education. We want to make at least two new awards each new school year, and we want to build up an endowment that can be invested to underwrite Cumnor’s Foundation Scholarships far into the future.

How to give

We welcome all donations, at any level. Every gift, no matter its size, has an impact. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to find out more about any of the options below. Thank you for your support.

Get in Touch

I believe that education is the most powerful force available for providing opportunity in life across all social and economic divides; especially the most junior formative years that Cumnor covers. Supporting The Cumnor Foundation enables me to share some of the good fortune I have had in life in the hope others may be as lucky as I have been in their futures.
— Supporter of The Cumnor Foundation

Bank Transfer

Direct Debit

Donation via fees

Collective Giving

Company Matched Funding

Charitable Aid Foundation Giving

Donating Shares



Find out more

If you would like to find out more or have any questions about giving to The Cumnor Foundation, please contact Sam Davies, our Head of Foundation & Alumni.

If you are a UK taxpayer, please remember to indicate that you are happy for us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This will increase its value to us by 25p in every £1 (at no cost to you).

What is Gift Aid?

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