Pastoral care

Every child needs to be happy and feel safe in order to thrive. They need to be seen and heard. They need to know they are valued, and that they count.

Cumnor has always been a family school. One that delivers on its promise of bringing out the best in every child, by reflecting the very best of family life – belonging, connection, security and love.

From Nursery onwards, our children learn how to form strong, healthy relationships. Because we know that social and emotional literacy is key to every child’s development – at school and beyond.

We are a positive and happy community, and we understand the importance of establishing close relationships with not just the children in our care, but their families, too. This is what bonds us; and gives our pastoral care real strength.

mike matthews, deputy head pastoral

It means that our children can safely build their own identities, learning profiles and self-esteem with teachers, especially Form Teachers, and in the latter two years of school, their Tutors. People who will give them all the guidance, support and individualised attention that they need to succeed.

Mental health & wellbeing

We teach Wellbeing to every child, to equip them not only with the knowledge they need to navigate an increasingly complex world, but also the skills, habits and strategies they need to be self-aware and emotionally healthy. Weekly timetabled Wellbeing lessons, including Jigsaw and Girls on Board, meet the needs of every child.

We are constantly innovating. Always ready to adopt new technologies and embed new practices that enable us to understand our pupils better. We were first adopters of the pioneering iSpace curriculum, and have recently introduced STEER Tracking to the Prep School – a pupil care system that goes far beyond traditional prep school standards.

Part of something bigger

Community and shared experiences play a big part in our pastoral program.  Every child will participate in the richness of our school life, to build social skills, take on responsibility and service – whether on the sports pitch, on our Food Council, in the Sustainability Squad, or through fundraising. To help our young people understand their wider responsibilities and place in the world.

In praise of our pastoral care

Your patience and support has been invaluable in helping our son become confident in expressing himself. I am truly impressed with the progress he has made, and I attribute much of it to your exceptional teaching and loving environment.
— Current parent
Pupils show exceptionally high levels of self-understanding and emotional maturity for their age. During discussions, they were self-reflective and able to evaluate their strengths and areas for development. They are highly enthusiastic about Wellbeing lessons.
— Independent School Inspectorate 2022
Cumnor’s dynamic and energetic Wellbeing programme seamlessly brings together a fully comprehensive pastoral safety net for every pupil.
— Talk Education 2024
Your patience and support has been invaluable in helping our son become confident in expressing himself. I am truly impressed with the progress he has made, and I attribute much of it to your exceptional teaching and loving environment.
— Current parent
Pupils show exceptionally high levels of self-understanding and emotional maturity for their age. During discussions, they were self-reflective and able to evaluate their strengths and areas for development. They are highly enthusiastic about Wellbeing lessons.
— Independent School Inspectorate 2022
Cumnor’s dynamic and energetic Wellbeing programme seamlessly brings together a fully comprehensive pastoral safety net for every pupil.
— Talk Education 2024

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