
Cumnor is part of the fabric of the local Sussex community. So, it matters that we are ready to serve this community and in so doing, discover the best in ourselves. This commitment does not stop at our gates; we are passionate about sharing our love of science, sport, reading and the Performing Arts, and work closely with local primary schools to improve access and inspire new generations.
These initiatives include our Community Music Day, Get Up & Dance, our partnership with Cuckfield Bookfest, termly sports festivals, Wednesday ‘open labs’ and school Shakespeare performances among others.
Follow us @cumnorhousesussex to find out more.

The Cumnor Foundation is the cornerstone of our fundraising and philanthropy. Dedicated to creating transformational bursaries, the Foundation is unique in covering the entire cost of a child’s education at an independent school for ten years from the ages of 8 to 18.
In less than ten years, The Cumnor Foundation has already made a mark, creating life-changing opportunities every year for local children with the potential, but otherwise not the means, to join Cumnor House Sussex.

Driven by collective community effort, we support local causes that are close to our hearts, where our contribution can have real impact. Our ‘charities of the year’ are nominated by children, parents and staff.
Led by our generous parent body, our campaigns have raised over £150,000 in the past three years from much anticipated events including our Christmas Fair, Fireworks Night and Summer Fête. We also help to tackle food poverty in our local Sussex region through donations to local foodbanks as part of our Harvest celebrations.