
Right from the start, we imbue our Nursery and Pre-Prep children with a love of the great outdoors, with weekly sessions at our school in the woods, Woodpeckers. Here, they begin to embrace creativity and learning through outdoor play and explore the world around them.
Sessions at Woodpeckers are always centred on the individual child. Regular visits with our certified Forest School Leaders provide an opportunity for self-discovery, holistic growth and supported risk taking, whatever the weather!
Part of our DNA

Part of our DNA
Beyond the Pre-Prep, whether it is stimulating children’s instincts for art, taking history out into the ‘wild’, orienteering and surveying, or performing in our Garden Theatre, outdoor learning continues to play a vital role.
The great outdoor spaces are part of Cumnor’s DNA. We actively look for chances to take their learning outside during lessons, to make it practical, relevant and meaningful.
Bruno Shovelton, Deputy Head Academic