Our Foundation Scholarships programme guarantees a child the opportunity of five years of education here at Cumnor.
During their time with us, we help to identify the right senior school for them, where they can continue their educational journey supported by the senior school’s own financial assistance programme.
We are a school with a very bright future, and a vibrant community that cares deeply about every child. A place where they will be supported to stretch themselves, discover their own talents, and to set their sights high. A place where every child belongs.
The scholarship offer

The scholarship offer
Applications are invited each year from families with Year 3 children who are performing towards the top of their class.
The Foundation Scholarship covers 100% of school fees for children joining us at Cumnor in Year 4, through to the end of Year 8. It also covers uniform, travel and school trips, along with enrichment activities including Sport, Music, Drama, Art and DT.
Because we want all our children to discover their gifts and talents, and to experience the joy of accomplishment, we encourage our Scholars to try as many new things as possible, and put as much within their reach as we can.
After the end of Year 4, we work closely with the Scholar’s family to identify the senior school that will take them on their rest of their educational journey, ideally with continued financial assistance at a similar level under that school’s own programme.
A guiding hand

A guiding hand
We understand how daunting it is to join a new school – for both the child and their family. So, we bring partnering and mentoring to help, right from the start. Each Scholarship family will have a mentor to support them throughout their five-year journey at our school. And each Scholar – like every other new pupil – will have a ‘buddy’ to guide them through the first few weeks in their new environment.
Our Headmaster is closely invested, too, and will be personally available to the family to guide and advise on key moments including senior school options and decisions. Ensuring that continuity and financial support are constants through the whole of the Scholar’s time at Cumnor.
We go above and beyond to ensure that our Scholars feel welcomed, valued, and belong – because we believe we are doing more than providing a school place for five years. We are creating a pathway to the young person and adult they will become.
How to apply

How to apply
Applications are invited each year from families with Year 3 children who are performing towards the top of their class. Those applying will have their financial circumstances assessed for eligibility, so that we can be sure that the gift of a Foundation Scholarship is awarded to those most in need.
We usually open our application window in December for entry into Year 4 the following September. Unfortunately, we are not currently in a position to award Foundation Scholarships for Year 4 entry in September 2025 due to funding limitations. If you would like to be notified when the call for applications opens for the September 2026 entry, please get in touch.