Privacy policy

Who we are

Cumnor House Sussex (Cumnor House School Trust, Sussex) at London Road, Danehill, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 7HT is a registered company (02411055) and a registered charity (801924), for the provision of education.

The Cumnor Foundation at London Road, Danehill, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH17 7HT is a registered charity (1168316), for the provision of education.

What is this Privacy Notice for?

This policy is intended to provide information about how the school and the Foundation will use (or “process”) or share between these two entities personal data about individuals including: its staff including Governors; its current, past and prospective pupils; and their parents, carers or guardians (referred to in this policy as “parents”).

This information is provided because Data Protection Law gives individuals rights to understand how their data is used. Staff, parents and pupils are all encouraged to read this Privacy Notice and understand the school’s and the Foundation’s obligations to its entire community.

This Privacy Notice applies alongside any other information the school or the Foundation may provide about a particular use of personal data, for example when collecting data via an online or paper form.

This Privacy Notice also applies in addition to the school’s and the Foundation’s other relevant terms and conditions and policies, including:

  • any contract between the school, the Foundation and its staff or the parents of pupils;
  • the school’s policy on taking, storing and using images of children;
  • the school’s retention of records policy;
  • the school’s safeguarding, pastoral, or health and safety policies, including as to how concerns or incidents are recorded; and
  • the school’s IT policies, including its Acceptable Use & CCTV policies

Anyone who works for, or acts on behalf of, the school or the Foundation (including staff, volunteers, governors and service providers) should also be aware of and comply with this Privacy Notice which also provides further information about how personal data about those individuals will be used.

Responsibility for data protection

The School and The Foundation have appointed Leigh Stark (Bursar) as Privacy and Compliance Officers who will deal with all your requests and enquiries concerning the school’s or the Foundation’s uses of your personal data (see section on Your Rights below) and endeavour to ensure that all personal data is processed in compliance with this policy and Data Protection Law. Please contact Leigh Stark on in the first instance.

Why the School & Foundation need to process personal data

In order to carry out its ordinary duties to staff, pupils and parents, the school and the Foundation need to process a wide range of personal data about individuals (including current, past and prospective staff, pupils or parents) as part of its daily operation.

Some of this activity the school and the Foundation will need to carry out in order to fulfil their legal rights, duties or obligations – including those under a contract with its staff, or parents of its pupils.

Other uses of personal data will be made in accordance with the school’s and the Foundation’s legitimate interests, or the legitimate interests of another, provided that these are not outweighed by the impact on individuals, and provided it does not involve special or sensitive types of data.

The school and the Foundation expect that the following uses will fall within that category of its (or its community’s) “legitimate interests”:

  • For the purposes of pupil selection (and to confirm the identity of prospective pupils and their parents);
  • To provide education services, including musical education, physical training or spiritual development, career services, and extra-curricular activities to pupils, and monitoring pupils’ progress and educational needs;
  • Maintaining relationships with alumni and the school community, including direct marketing or fundraising activity;
  • For the purposes of donor due diligence, and to confirm the identity of prospective donors and their background [and relevant interests];
  • For the purposes of management planning and forecasting, research and statistical analysis, including that imposed or provided for by law (such as tax, diversity or gender pay gap analysis);
  • To enable relevant authorities to monitor the school’s performance and to intervene or assist with incidents as appropriate;
  • To give and receive information and references about past, current and prospective pupils, including relating to outstanding fees or payment history, to/from any educational institution that the pupil attended or where it is proposed they attend; and to provide references to potential employers of past pupils;
  • To enable pupils to take part in national or other assessments, and to publish the results of public examinations or other achievements of pupils of the school;
  • To safeguard pupils’ welfare and provide appropriate pastoral care;
  • To monitor (as appropriate) use of the school’s IT and communications systems in accordance with the school’s IT: acceptable use policy;
  • To make use of photographic images of pupils in school publications, on the school website and (where appropriate) on the school’s social media channels in accordance with the school’s policy on taking, storing and using images of children;
  • For security purposes, including CCTV in accordance with the school’s IT policy;
  • To carry out or cooperate with any school or external complaints, disciplinary or investigation process; and
  • Where otherwise reasonably necessary for the school’s and the Foundation’s purposes, including to obtain appropriate professional advice and insurance for the school.

In addition, the school and the Foundation will on occasion need to process special category personal data (concerning health, ethnicity, religion or sexual life) or criminal records information (such as when carrying out DBS checks) in accordance with rights or duties imposed on it by law, including as regards safeguarding and employment, or from time to time by explicit consent where required. These reasons will include:

  • To safeguard pupils’ welfare and provide appropriate pastoral (and where necessary, medical) care, and to take appropriate action in the event of an emergency, incident or accident, including by disclosing details of an individual’s medical condition or other relevant information where it is in the individual’s interests to do so: for example for medical advice, for social protection, safeguarding, and cooperation with police or social services, for insurance purposes or to caterers or organisers of school trips who need to be made aware of dietary or medical needs;
  • To provide educational services in the context of any special educational needs of a pupil;
  • To provide spiritual education in the context of any religious beliefs;
  • In connection with employment of its staff, for example DBS checks, welfare, union membership or pension plans;
  • As part of any school or external complaints, disciplinary or investigation process that involves such data, for example if there are SEN, health or safeguarding elements; or
  • For legal and regulatory purposes (for example child protection, diversity monitoring and health and safety) and to comply with its legal obligations and duties of care.

Types of personal data processed by the School & Foundation

This will include by way of example:

  • names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and other contact details;
  • car details (about those who use our car parking facilities);
  • bank details and other financial information, e.g. about parents who pay fees to the school;
  • past, present and prospective pupils’ academic, disciplinary, admissions and attendance records (including information about any special needs), and examination scripts and marks;
  • personnel files, including in connection with academics, employment or safeguarding;
  • where appropriate, information about individuals’ health and welfare, and contact details for their next of kin;
  • references given or received by the school about pupils, and relevant information provided by previous educational establishments and/or other professionals or organisations working with pupils;
  • correspondence with and concerning staff, pupils and parents past and present;
  • and images of pupils (and occasionally other individuals) engaging in school activities, and images captured by the school’s CCTV system (in accordance with the school’s policy on taking, storing and using images of children)

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